In Asia, all aspects of life are seamlessly intervened in an intricate web of cultural vibrancy

Effects of Lockdown: “Healing of Mother Nature” The Marvelous Wonder – The Himalayas being witnessed from Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh.
As people fighting against the coronavirus pandemic and the world going through a complete lockdown, wildlife

Ban on Umrah Visas: Saudi Operation Restrictions
Saudi Arabia suspends Umrah visas and bans visit visas from some countries where coronavirus cases have

Jatayu Earth Center: Legend Arises
“Tribute to Women” A giant rock sculpture of the bird Jatayu cast on the hilltop is

Of devil worship and cocaine cultural wars- More on the silver mines of Potosi, Bolivia (part 2)
In this post and the previous one we are exploring Potosi in Bolivia, one of the

Philippine adventures-Mount Mayon- Travel meets kindness
Climbing an active volcano is a thrill so long as it doesn’t erupt on you while

A beginner’s tale of hitchhiking.
Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” may conjure wildly romantic ideas of bumming free rides but hitchhiking

Remote Shangri la- Bhutan ( part 2)
In the previous post on Bhutan we talked of how the country is not for the