So we are on to August. Will things ever get back to how they were? I

Flashback of June 2020 – Looking Back Into the Past!
The world reeling through many problems, gone through the tough and unexpected days of the month.

Flashback of May 2020 – Looking Back Into the Past!
The world is gradually coming into terms with the new “normal” in which we keep our

Effects of Lockdown: Most Anticipated Sports and Events Cancelled in 2020
Due to the pandemic of the coronavirus across the world, public gatherings have been canceled, and

Valentine’s Day- History, Origin & Traditions
Valentine’s Day is an annual festival to celebrate and share love, friendship, and admiration. On February

Philippine adventures-Mount Mayon- Travel meets kindness
Climbing an active volcano is a thrill so long as it doesn’t erupt on you while

Cultural circuit in Ethiopia (Part 1)
Want to grow younger in real time? Forget surgery or diet pills …just hop on a