So we are on to August. Will things ever get back to how they were? I

Most Expensive Homes In The World!
The recent decision of the duke and duchess of Sussex to live outside England sure did

The fairytale islands of Uros, Peru
Want to travel to a fairytale world; to an almost imaginary land you only read of

New York City on the cheap (Part 1)
As near broke tourists in the Big Apple, here are things that were either recommended or

The rest of Ethiopia’s cultural circuit (Part 4)
In this fourth and final post on Ethiopia, we touch upon if only very briefly on

More things not to miss in Japan (Part 2)
Japan is a land of contrasts. While it has been quick to embrace modernity, it has

Unforgettable Himalayan vistas- Mystical Bhutan- (Part 1)
Bhutan is often considered the last Shangri-La, the land of the thunder dragon filled with people