Travel, especially jet travel, it is contended could be the worst thing you could be indulging

Tena- Jungles, white water rafting, gold and the ayahuasca experience (Part 1)
Tena in Ecuador is the jumping off point to experience the El Oriente or the Ecuadorian

Unforgettable Himalayan vistas- Mystical Bhutan- (Part 1)
Bhutan is often considered the last Shangri-La, the land of the thunder dragon filled with people

Top five reasons why you should backpack alone
Most people wouldn’t dream of travelling alone. Just travelling out of the comfort zone of one’s

Adventures on the Amazon- Three days on the Rio Amazonas by cargo boat
Tucked away deep in the Amazon, Iquitos is a remote city accessible only by air or

A twelve point guide to backpacking on a shoestring budget
When you are backpacking for months, every cent counts. Over time, being careless with your monies